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Do You Feel Like Hormones Rule Your Life?

- Are you struggling with heavy, painful, and/or irregular periods?

- Dealing with PMS and erratic moods?

- Suffering from migraines? Bloating? Hormonal acne?

- Managing PCOS?

-  Battling UTIs, yeast infections or stubborn bacterial vaginosis?

- Tired of going to the doctor and only being offered the birth control pill?


When you work with me, regular, pain-free periods are possible.

No more tiptoeing around your cycle every month.

We can put an end to recurrent UTIs and chronic vaginal infections.

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Women Who Work With Me:

- Experience regular, pain-free periods.

- Learn to listen to their body and how to support it throughout each cycle.

- Get help with health (and life!) goals and have a roadmap to achieve them.

- Build a strong hormonal health foundation that will see them through their whole life.

Here's how we'll do it:

We have an initial consultation where we dive deep into your health history, so we can understand your current situation and set the goals for where you want to be. 

You receive a treatment plan tailored especially for you, so you can stop wasting time and money on the things that don’t work. We’ll figure out the key changes you can make to start seeing results fast (without having to give up everything you enjoy).

We'll have monthly follow up consultations where we can discuss (and celebrate!) your progress, and make any tweaks to your treatment plan to keep you on the path to healthy hormones. (Most women have an initial consultation + 2-3 follow ups. After that, we check in on a schedule that works for you).

Initial Consultation $199 AUD
60-90 Minutes

Follow Up Consultation $99AUD
30-45 Minutes

You also get...

Weekly email or messenger check-ins so you can ask me specific questions, share your updates, and stay motivated. 

A review of any previous blood tests for hormones and other general lab tests, urine tests, microbiome testing… so you can be confident that your results are truly optimal for your health and not just “within normal range”.

An audit of your current herbal and supplement stash (you know the one I’m talking about!). So we can put what you’ve already bought to good use, and fill in any gaps.

Easy to use checklists and handouts that allow you to quickly and easily set your home and work environments up for optimal hormone health.

Still Have Questions?

If you’re interested in working together but still not sure how I can help, let’s jump on a Zoom call and talk it through.

Click here to arrange a free 30 minute call.

Here's what women I work with say:

“Thank you for everything over the past I don’t even know how many years now… you helped dad literally get back on his feet and what you’ve done for me.
I’m a better healthier person because of you.
You have taught me sooo much about my own body, listening to my body understanding my body, I’m now 35 years old and I don’t take any regular medication and that’s because of you and I’m like a teenager again and get my period every 28 days without the need for pill popping.
In addition to medicinal you’ve helped me more than you’ll ever know emotionally and mentally.”
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